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We are the only company in Puerto Rico providing high tech equipment in the health simulation field accompanied with the proper post installation training and support in the implementation of projects.

Our computerized patient simulators, which are highly technical robots that simulate different possible medical conditions and scenarios, provide educators and students in the health sciences area a "real life" experience.  We have pregnancy simulators and baby simulators that are part of a complete curriculum in the Health area.


We offer all the hospital equipment you might need to set up laboratories such as emergency rooms, operating room, ambulance and others in order to provide your students a real life environment in the classroom. 


Call us for a free consult!

Hiram Claudio

787 354-1219


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Carr. no. 1 Km 34.1 Reparto Industrial Cartagena

787.653.4876   FAX 787.746.4979

©2024 by Camera Mundi, LLC

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